Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinemas and movies

I remember that the first movie that I saw in my childhood was in my home.
The movie was wonderful, they has called “imaginary” and that shows an abstract and creative compose, some things like animations of office clips having a war against wood pencils; or a car running fast in a painted desert.
My first movie that I saw on a cinema was the lion king, on early 90’s. In those times the Hoyts cinema in “La Reina” does not exist… I see movies in the Cinemark of “Las Condes”. A tiny cinema compared with the giants of the actuality, the cinema is placed inside a mall, in a corner of them.
I saw the movie with my parents and my sister Lucia, when I have eight or nine years old (I don’t remember when the movie released, but I remember that in those times the movies arrive to Chile with a considerably delay in the time of the original release in USA).
I enjoyed the movie to a point of fanatism. I remember that I brought it when the movie released into VHS format… and I saw it again, and again, and again until 50 times in a single month.


  1. The movie in VHS and the cassette with the book, and Rafiki speaking !!!! ASRJHGKJHFJKH"! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The lion king is the claaaaasic movie, and have part veeeery sad, but is a good film :D

  3. I think the movie I saw most in one month was Mad Max 2 with Mel Gibson when he used to be cool. I watched it eight times in the same weekend.

  4. Also was my first movie! but I can remember the history
