Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Childhood Christmas

I clearly remember when I was a kid, when I loved the Christmas. I have a big family, especially my mother family. She has three brothers and every brother has two to four sons, and she also has four cousins with sons too.
My family gathered together in the house of one of the brothers, and every year they celebrate with all the family there, for me it was normal when the family Christmas dinner had forty people inside one house.
I remember that I always ate a fantastic dinner, with some turkey, some salads and some desserts too.
The gifts are opened at twelve o’clock, when the family gathered together to open the presents. Of course I was a child in those times, and I had an especially attention of all my family, and an important part of the gifts, and the presents in the most of the cases was a strange combination of candies.
I have a cousin of my age, he received the same attention that I received when we were small, and I clearly remember that the gift was the identical in some cases.
Also, I remember that i was bored in some cases, because I only have my cousin for play because my family is too old.

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